“Educating Rita Pastor Ric” wc 235 “Educating Rita Pastor Ric” wc 235
by edifytruth (aiming higher)

Psychological Warfare 101
“New eyes to see the dawn.”


Common Sense

When we teach children ‘all men are brothers’
we stop teaching ‘there was a fall.’
The elimination of perjured truth
helps empower justice for all.

gnolitter: “The willingness to end the practice of coveting perjured truth allows the body of Christ to repent.”

gnolice: “The act of repentance frees the memory of Jesus from the imagery of Christ. Grace does not require a relationship with atonement doctrine.”

gnovice: “Grace allows us to do away with the primitive fundamentalism that generates the ‘Us & Them’ structure for chaos, division and strife.”

kathy sue: “Grace allows us to ‘have our cake and eat it too!’ Judicial liberty promotes the literacy that seeks to free everyone from irrational fears.”

pastor ric: “You are asking a great deal from a group that has lived all their lives entrapped by the ignorance that paints Judgment Day’s end game.”


   “If you embrace emergent truth 
        it’s revelation helps you see 
      Adam and Eve are portals for 
           the charlatans of heresy. “



“The acolytes of idolatry
covet fraud from a forbidden tree.
Atonement doctrine is the apple
fueling christocentric heresy.”

cc: Pastor ric https://twitter.com/RickWarren “Permutations” wc 52

by edifytruth  (aiming higher)

Psychological Warfare 101
“New eyes to see the dawn.”


The children of Pi
can shackle the lie
forging a beam 
in the Christian’s eye.

Truth helps us destroy the fraud
that dwells within the mind
coveting idolatry
that makes its third eye blind.

‘you may then learn’


Future-human-evolution-process “Faith’s Dark Night” wc 152 (10++)

by edifytruth (aiming higher)

Psychological Warfare 101
“New eyes to see the dawn.”


Christians, Muslims and Jews are vexed by imperfect intellectualism. When we think in terms of ‘Us and Them,’ we illuminate the problem. The children of Pi defeat the ignorance that drives division and strife. We band of mammals recognize that ‘all men are brothers,’ when the ignorance that divides nations is truncated by justice for all.

Science helped us defeat the belief the earth was flat. 13
It illuminates how fraud helps some deceive. 11
We cannot use ‘Satan’ to protect the perjured truth 13
from ‘the many’ who believe we should blame Eve.’ 11

gnolice: “When children are taught ‘all men are brothers’
gnovice: “we create a paradigm shift.”
gnolitter: “Empowering justice for all”
kathy sue: “helps to heal confusion’s rift.”


Pi flow dynamics

Justice from tomorrow
can touch those who live today.
Fraud from Eden’s rib bone fib
leads all Christians astray.

03.31.17 “Boykin’s Cure” wc 157

by edifytruth (aiming higher)

Psychological Warfare 101
“New eyes to see the dawn.”


What gives Truth value?
gnolice: “Logic and reason.”

What strips Truth of its value?
gnolice: “A rib bone fib.”

How does a rib bone fib strip Truth of its value?
kathy sue: “It anchors the heresy of atonement doctrine. When men swear their allegiance to heresy the heresy becomes a second master.”

How do we restore the efficacy of truth?
gnolitter: “We use logic and reason to sculpt solvent criticism.”

How do we simplify solvent criticism?
class: “With the Anti Christ perspective.”

gnolitter: “When we replace Adam and Eve with Wallace and Darwin, reason allows us to separate the memory of Jesus from the heresy that crowns him with illuminates the imagery of Christ.”

Why do we want to simplify solvent criticism?
gnovice: “We seek the empowerment of justice for all.”


Who arms ‘Christ’ with an assault rifle?
class: “Those who serve the second master.” “Christocentric Subterfuge” wc 236

by edifytruth (aiming higher)

Psychological Warfare 101
“New eyes to see the dawn.”


What is the difference between a Christocentric ‘state’ and an Islamic ‘state?’

gnolitter: “The short answer is ‘the flavor of entanglement?’ Christians, Muslims and Jews are entangled by imperfect intellectualism. It leads to an ‘Us versus Them’ perspective that is disruptive to social cohesion.”

gnolice: “What if we drafted a law that said it was wrong to covet imperfect intellectualism?”

“Thou shalt not covet imperfect intellectualism.”

pastor ric: “That sounds constitutional. What do you think, John?”

chief justice: “We have a problem. Our freedom of religion clause protects imperfect intellectualism. That is why I am Roman Catholic and you are a bastard Christian.”

pastor ric: “If both of us repent, I can help my congregation embrace emergent truth, and you can help America empower justice for all. Doesn’t that sound like a win–win?”

chief justice: “But I am a Roman Catholic. The Pope must repent before I can end my servitude to ignorance stamped holy. I serve a second master.”

gnolitter: “No, John. You do not have to wait for the Pope. You can be a full bloodied American in the twinkling of an eye.”

gnolice: “All you have to do to re-calibrate your anemic integrity is to replace your respect for Adam and Eve with a gleeful embrace of Wallace and Darwin.”

gnovice: “That allows atonement doctrine to become flatulence in the wind.”