“Polling Pastor Ric” wc 376

by edifytruth (aiming higher)

Psychological Warfare 101
“New eyes to see the dawn.”


gnolitter: “Intellectualism is flawed when it’s infected by flat earth fraud. Do you think God wants Christians to covet a rib bone fib and use it to corrupt the memory of Jesus with the heresy of atonement doctrine?”

pastor ric: “It’s not logical to believe that God would need to save souls with a fib. If it wasn’t a fib I would not have a tailbone.”

gnolice: “When we subtract the fib which was used to frame atonement doctrine, we are able to remove the memory of Jesus from the confusion created by associating that memory with the imagery of Christ.”

gnovice: “Christmas cannot be Christmas because it perjures truth. Jesus was not meant to reinforce the ignorance from the Old Testament. He tried to free folk who were shackled to the conjecture that framed atonement doctrine.”

Understanding or walking with grace that is empowered by truth means accepting that Jesus died trying to correct Jewish affection for ignorance that demanded they throw stones at one another.

Understanding why Wallace and Darwin are important means we rip the beliefs in purgatory, eternal damnation and Judgment Day out of the New Testament. We must rip out the hyperbole that some claim are miracles and start over. When we tackle the task of separating truth from fiction we exercise discernment. Death is death. We don’t escape it. We can’t use pretense about an afterlife to strengthen the heresy that began with Adam and Eve. There was no fall. No one needs the blood of a glorified lamb. That’s real truth and it means Catholicism, or Judaism 2.0, is simply an extension of the heresy that was reinforced with the fiction about Cain and Abel.

kathy sue: “Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel are simply characters from a Jewish fable. They were not real. They were make-believe. Christians must change what they believe when justice becomes real and truth becomes ‘Lord.’”

gnofleas: “When we teach children with imperfect intellectualism we pass on ‘the sins of the fathers’ instead of transcending them. Grace allows ‘the sins of the fathers,’ (amplified by the use of atonement doctrine) to be ‘done away with.’ Where do racism and homophobia come from, pastor ric?” “Dissecting Truth” wc 220

by edifytruth (aiming higher)

Psychological Warfare 101
“New eyes to see the dawn.”


Premise: Truth frees us from irrational fears.
Let’s prove the premise is true.

Irrational fears generate anxiety, distrust and hatred. Ignorance promotes irrational fear. That is why all Catholics are afflicted by the belief that Satan is real.

When we subtract the catalyst for their irrational fear, the narrative that frames the doctrine of atonement, Judaism 2.0 ceases to afflict human beings with the ignorance that generates irrational fears.

There are many steps required to create the paradigm shift from Adam and Eve to Wallace and Darwin. The restoration of intellectual integrity in those now serving on the U. S. Supreme Court requires exposure to the anti Christ perspective. It can be reduced to the statement ‘fraud cannot be allowed to masquerade as grace from God.’

The freedom of religion clause currently serves to undermine America’s pursuit of ‘justice for all’ primarily because cognitive dissonance makes treason appear kosher. Treason is made visible by those who refuse to respect the truth that makes replacing Adam and Eve with Wallace and Darwin necessary. When the truth is not truth, because of the desire to covet the fraud from atonement doctrine, perjured truth perverts the status quo by corrupting the memory of Jesus with the imagery of Christ.

Thank you, Diana!

07.31.17 “Monkish Ignorance” wc 133

by edifytruth (aiming higher)

Psychological Warfare 101
“New eyes to see the dawn.”



tom: “All Christians must covet Judaism’s fraud.
The myth leaves the memory of Jesus flawed.”


huck: “Heretics are victims of atonement doctrine’s spell.
Grace does not include fear of purgatory or hell.” (2 + 2 = 5)


gnolice: “The imagery of Christ personifies the spell.”
gnovice: “When we subtract Adam and Eve truth’s freed from fraud’s tale.”

class: “‘I AM’ did not create Adam.
Lucifer never tempted Eve.
Justice frees all Catholics from
the fraud trickery from the Holy See.”

catholicism subterfuge fraud n. 1. A deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain. 2. A piece of trickery; a swindle. 3. a. Heresy that misleads with a myth. b. Ignorance that assumes a false pose. c. Pretense that masquerades as grace from “God.” “Diagramming Alphanumeric Truth” wc 27

by edifytruth (aiming higher)

Psychological Warfare 101
“New eyes to see the dawn.”



5 = “Ignorance can be holy.”
4 = “When ignorance is holy
tyranny becomes sacrosanct.”


07.30.17 “Semantics” wc 278

by edifytruth (aiming higher)

Psychological Warfare 101
“New eyes to see the dawn.”


God: “Knock, knock.”

elford: “Who’s there?

God: “It is the Lord thy God.”

elford: “Hmmm. Is this good news, or bad news?”

God: “Neither. I have an assignment that I want you to convey to the body of Christ.”

elford: “Okay. It had better be pretty easy, or I will fail.”

God: “I want you to go ‘one on one’ with the acolytes of atonement doctrine and remind them they must answer the question “Why do I have a tailbone.”

elford: “Do you have a tail bone?”

God: “No. They are asking the question first person.”

pastor ric: “You mean you want me to ask myself why I have a tailbone?”

God: “And then I would like for you to answer honestly.”

elford: “It’s trick question, pastor ric. There are only two relevant answers. The first is ‘I don’t know.’ The second is ‘because I am a descendant of ancestors who once had tailbones.’”

God: “ ‘I don’t know’ is not a satisfactory answer for mature Americans living in the year 2017.”

semantics: “such quibbling over semantics may seem petty stuff”

elford: “Quibbling over the reality that we all have tailbones allows us to rise above the ignorance that pretends we should not protect children from ignorance stamped holy.”

elford: “When we are children, we talk like children, think like children, and reason like children. When we learn to embrace Truth  put the ways of childhood behind me ignorance is done away with.”



For Al (and Franni)

God: “Why does Ann Coulter have a tail bone?”

Al Franken, Giant of the Senate Hardcover– May 30, 2017