12.30.17 “Perjured Truth” wc 120

by edifytruth (aiming higher)

Psychological Warfare 101
“New eyes to see the dawn.”

“In God Fraud We Trust”
because of a myth
the fools on the court
can’t do away with.

chief justice: “The freedom of religion clause protects imperfect intellectualism. We must deny children and adults justice in order to allow churches the freedom to brainwash acolytes with ignorance stamped holy.”

kathy sue: “If we free justice from impaired logic and reason, made possible by the cognitive dissonance derived from exposure to the heresy of atonement doctrine, we must help you separate the memory of Jesus from the imagery of Christ.”

gnolitter: “Anything less denies our children protection from the perjured truth that begins with Adam and Eve, John.”

12.29.17 “Co-enablers of Fraud” wc 89

by edifytruth (aiming higher)

Psychological Warfare 101
“New eyes to see the dawn.”

gnofleas: “Can ‘A’ or ‘B’ use
to help justice transcend
black cat theology?”

class: “We can prove the U. S. Supreme Court serves the wrong two masters. Their acquiescence (to fraud) leads to children being clubbed with a rib bone fib. This fact becomes evidence they have failed to fulfill their oaths to provide justice for all.”

Jesus: “When that which is perfect is come integrity becomes real, that which is imperfect is done away with.”

12.28.17 “Analytical Traction …” wc 144

by edifytruth (aiming higher)

Psychological Warfare 101
“New eyes to see the dawn.”

… For More Perfect Unions.

gnofleas: “The Anti Christ perspective empowers justice that frees monotheists from black cat theology.”

pastor ric: “Christ does not represent black cat theology. Christ is the Son of God.”

gnofleas: “No, pastor ric, Christ is not. The imagery of Christ simply camouflages a rib bone fib with the hope of salvation. The proof is enabled by the willful acceptance of two facts. The first reveals that you have a tailbone. The second is the science that explains why you have a tailbone.”

class: “Truth becomes a disruptive vector when it displaces ignorance stamped holy. Defeating Judaism 1 and 2.0 requires repentance. Grace helps to free us from truth that is flawed when justice stops churches from teaching with fraud.”

gnolice: “When justice eviscerates Eden’s spell”
gnovice: “fellowships are freed from their fear of hell.”

12.27.17 “Omnipotence” wc 54

by edifytruth (aiming higher)

Psychological Warfare 101
“New eyes to see the dawn.”

Can God bless Americans
with freedom to believe
emergent truth frees folk from
fellowships that deceive?

Perjured truth can’t dwell in heaven
but it does in the Holy See
because all Roman Catholics
ignore truth meant to set them free. “Jerry’s Windmill” wc 192

by edifytruth (aiming higher)

Psychological Warfare 101
“New eyes to see the dawn.”

gnofleas: “All (of) my neighbors have tail bones.
Some are compelled to believe
they must ignore their tail bones
and pretend that ‘God’ made Eve.”

pastor ric: “Christians are not pretending. We know God made Adam and Eve.* You’re using (new age) photography to undermine what we believe.”

albert: “We cannot solve our problems
with atonement doctrine’s cock.”


tom: “In this case the word ‘cock’ denotes imperfect intellectualism, pastor ric.” (<-derived from biblical creationism’s hokum)


*“The Pontifical Academy of Sciences has now firmly stated: ‘Masses of evidence render the application of the concept of evolution to man and the other primates beyond serious dispute.’” Sir Arthur C. Clarke, 1984 (a gnofleas paraphrase)

gnolitter: “Superficial people
use fables to spread fraud.”
kathy sue: “When justice structures truth
no one’s taught to fear God.”

gnolice: “The Pope uses a whopper
to make children fear God.”
gnovice: “When courts covet the whopper
God’s shackled to the fraud.”

gnofleas: “Jerry suffers from cognitive dissonance. It’s become a beam in his eye. America’s Christians It’s Roman Catholics on the Supreme Court who are coddling Eden’s lie.”