01.28.16 “One Trick Question”

How does grace redeem truth that’s flawed when human beings covet ignorance stamped holy? Can we make the answer simple?

gnolice: “When we add heresy to heresy we get more heresy.”

gnovice: “When we subtract heresy from heresy Judaism 1 and 2.0 implode.”
kathy sue: “The word ‘implode’ means to undergo implosion. Eden’s heresy inherits the win’ by replacing Genesis with Darwin.”

God must use implosion to bless America. Grace is hindered when the justices on the U. S. Supreme Court use the freedom of religion clause to sanction fraud.

gnofleas: “’When that which is perfect comes that which is imperfect is done away with.’ The anti christ perspective helps us free the memory of Jesus from the fraudulent imagery of atonement doctrine. It’s not rocket science.*”

gnolitter: “Christ masquerading as grace from ‘God’ simply personifies Eden’s fraud. Justice for all frees us from it.”

justice scrotum: “Frees us from what?”

gnolitter: “Perjured truth. “

class: *”Perjured truth from the Torah
begins with Adam and Eve.
Anointing Jesus as ‘the Christ’
helps the Holy See deceive.”