01.29.16 “What’s Your Spiritual I.Q?” wc 215

The true function of the anti christ
illuminates grace from ‘God.’
‘Christ’ and ‘Satan’ are ‘done away with’
when courts eradicate fraud.

Irresistible Grace
When folk who believe in the existence of ‘God’ also believe truth matters they can no longer desire to covet perjured truth (fraud.) (T or F?)

If we allow perfect love to be defined as irresistible grace and grant ‘God’ the ability to love creation with perfect love, can ‘God’ love us with imperfect love? Is ‘God’ perfect, if ‘God’ is real? (Y or N)

Adam and Eve are characters from a Jewish myth. The myth becomes a catalyst for fraud when it is allowed to lead folk into believing Satan is real and salvation requires fidelity to a rib fib.

Christians cannot be Christians unless they covet perjured truth. When the perjured truth is ‘done away with’ the memory of Jesus is freed from the imagery of Christ.

“Oh what a tangled web we weave”
when God’s name is used to deceive.

If you answered the first question “True” and the second “Y” you can transcend the belief that ‘God’ uses Eden’s fraud to work together “for our good.” class: “When ‘all things’ includes biblical fraud grace from ‘God’ is imperfect and flawed.”

wc 215

(“When ‘all things’ include biblical fraud
justice from our court is imperfect and flawed.)

Political IQ’s?

Let’s Play Pick One

Ignorance stamped holy can only be defeated by
a. Respect for emergent truth.
b. Justice from folk who can discern truth from fiction.
c. Cruise missiles from Uncle Sam’s arsenals.
d. Militarism sponsored by naiveté from candidates* in the GOP.
e. Embracing the perspective of the anti Christ as God’s way of
blessing America. class: “We choose ‘e.'”

The Pope would have the church believe that atonement doctrine does not perjure truth, even though ‘God’ did not make or curse Adam and Eve. The fraud that frames biblical creationism lays the groundwork for Judaism’s rebirth as ‘King of kings and Lord of lords.’

gnolice: “There was no fall that required Jesus to rise as the personification of the fraud. (Christ.)
gnovice: “God does not require atonement. Judaism requires atonement.”
kathy sue: “Anointing Jesus with the imagery of Christ makes Catholicism into Judaism 2.0, not irresistible grace from God.”

gnolitter: “Solvent criticism gets to the root of problems cruise missiles can only exacerbate. “The enemy is us” as long as we allow the Torah to be present in our courts. International debt management that pressures the removal of ignorance stamped holy in American society benefits everyone else because it empowers justice for all.”

* Dear Mark, Testosterone cloned from Eden’s rib fib gets Americans killed. Just ask Jeb. Can you imagine Donald saying “We know God didn’t make Adam and Eve.” ? Rubio link

If the empowerment of ‘equality for all’ brings an end to patriarchy what happens to Judaism 1 and 2.0? class: “They are done away with.”